What is MNP?
MNP, or mobile network portability, is a service that allows mobile phone users to switch service providers while keeping their existing phone numbers. It eliminates the inconvenience of changing phone numbers when changing network operators.
MNP for Consumers Vs Aggregators
Consumer-focused MNP services enable individual mobile phone users to switch providers while retaining their phone numbers. Customers initiate porting requests and coordinate with their current and new service providers to transfer their numbers. These services focus on providing a smooth transition for individual users.
Developers specifically developed MNP services for aggregators, commercial institutions, and government organizations to meet their needs in managing their customer base and communication channels. These services integrate MNP capabilities into their systems and infrastructure, allowing them to handle large porting requests efficiently, validate and update customer information, and manage communication routing based on ported numbers. The goal is to provide a seamless experience and reliable communication channels for these organizations to engage with their customers and constituents.
How can our MNP service benefit industry aggregators, commercial organizations, and government agencies?
Our MNP service offers various benefits to aggregators, commercial institutions, and government organizations in the industry. By utilizing MNP, these entities can enhance customer acquisition, strengthen relationships with mobile network operators (MNOs), diversify their service offerings, and gain a competitive advantage.
Service allows customers to switch service providers effortlessly, making aggregators and government and commercial organizations more appealing choices for individuals seeking a smooth transition. As a result, these entities experience an increase in customer acquisition.
Zeta Tech’s MNP Service allows these businesses to form strategic alliances with MNOs, thus strengthening their partnerships. – By incorporating our MNP service into their offerings, these entities can effectively address customers’ unique requirements who want to switch service providers while keeping their phone numbers. This expansion allows them to meet the specific needs of their customers.
MNP service sets aggregators apart from their competitors, serving as a distinctive value proposition that enables them to differentiate themselves and establish a notable presence in the market. – These entities can gain access to dedicated support and guidance tailored to their unique requirements, thanks to their specialized knowledge and expertise in MNP.
Gain the Competitive Edge with Zeta Tech MNP Service
Pakistan’s mobile network portability database comprises approximately 27 million numbers, indicating that around 14% of subscribers have transferred their numbers to a different network. Unfortunately, applications cannot identify whether a number has been ported. Consequently, this situation results in the expensive and incorrect routing of communications and the likelihood of SMS failures. However, by partnering with Zeta Tech, businesses can overcome these challenges by eliminating the expenses associated with routing to the wrong network and significantly reducing the risk of failures when dealing with ported numbers. Through this partnership, businesses can quickly determine if a subscriber has ported their number and ascertain the network
they are currently connected to by gaining immediate access to the database.
What Do We Do and How Will Our MNP Service Be a Game Changer in the Business?
Zeta-Tech and Pakistan Mobile Number Portability Database (PMD) have collaborated to launch Mobile Number Portability (MNP) services in Pakistan. This collaboration aims to empower aggregators, commercial institutions, and government organizations to ensure a flawless SMS delivery rate of 100%. By leveraging this solution, businesses can avoid message failures, enhance customer experience, and bring a transformative shift in the telecommunication sector. The MNP service provided by Zeta Tech and PMD will revolutionize how businesses engage with their valuable customer base through A2P (Application to Person) messages. This partnership will significantly impact communication efficiency, enabling seamless and uninterrupted interactions between businesses and customers.